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The DesignGreen team has unique experience with museum exhibitry design and installation.

Native American Museum at Warm Springs

Beyond our expertise with artifact sustainability, we understand and are skilled in negotiating the sensitive cultural landscape upon which any selection of artifacts is grounded.


Museum of Flight
We have understanding and experience in artifact sensitivity. In Museum design and exhibitry we seek to connect the historical significance of artifacts with their comtemporary cultural representatives and to those whom the museum desires to attract.
Naval Undersea Museum
We bring history and culture to the public in a meaningful and respectful way with a staff of skilled educators in environments for maximizing learning and teaching.
Rick Denhart with torpedo exhibit
We strive for the cultural engagement of diverse perspectives as we bring eras together through educational awareness









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  Portland, Oregon  New Orleans, Louisiana
TEL: 503.752.2555 info@designgreen.com

© 1999-2008 DesignGreen - Advancing Ecological Intelligence